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full steam ahead

См. также в других словарях:

  • full steam ahead — see under ↑steam • • • Main Entry: ↑full full steam ahead 1. Forward at the greatest speed possible 2. With maximum effort • • • Main Entry: ↑steam …   Useful english dictionary

  • full steam ahead — with all possible energy and enthusiasm. The real estate market has heated up, and building is going full steam ahead. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form it s full steam ahead: It s full steam ahead for Internet service providers today.… …   New idioms dictionary

  • full steam ahead — mod. with determination. □ We started moving full steam ahead on the project. □ Full steam ahead! Let’s see how fast this will go! …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • full steam ahead — as much power as we have, full throttle    I told the Captain about the ice, but he said, Full steam ahead! …   English idioms

  • full steam ahead — making a lot of progress The film is set to go full steam ahead …   English dictionary

  • full steam ahead — ► full steam (or speed) ahead proceeding with as much speed or energy as possible. Main Entry: ↑full …   English terms dictionary

  • full steam ahead —  Proceed without delay at maximum speed …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • full steam/speed ahead — used to say that something is being done with as much speed and power as possible The work started slowly, but now it s full steam ahead. The campaign is going full speed ahead. • • • Main Entry: ↑full …   Useful english dictionary

  • full speed ahead — ► full steam (or speed) ahead proceeding with as much speed or energy as possible. Main Entry: ↑full …   English terms dictionary

  • full steam (or speed) ahead — proceeding with as much speed or energy as possible. → full …   English new terms dictionary

  • steam ahead — go forward at full throttle, go forward at full speed …   English contemporary dictionary

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